20 – 24 Drive Prototypes

All prices in this section are current as of June 16, 2012 unless otherwise noted.

20 Drive Budget Build (rackmount)
MoboECS A885GM-A2 (V1.1)
CPU: AMD Sempron 145
RAM: Crucial 2GB DDR3 1333 (feel free to upgrade, pretty much any DDR3 1066 or 1333 RAM should work)
PSU: CORSAIR Enthusiast Series TX650 V2 650W
Case: Norco 4220
SATA Expansion Cards: Supermicro AOC-SASLP-MV8 8-Port SAS/SATA Add-on Card x 2

  • IBM ServerRAID M1015 x 2 – Replacement Option (As the Supermicro cards are difficult to obtain outside of the US, unRAID forum user seanant is currently selling these M1015 cards internationally. They are reported to work well with unRAID, though I personally have not used them.)


Fanplate: Norco 120mm fanplate *optional
Fans: (replacing the stock fans is optional, but recommended if quiet performance is desired)

Hard Drives: Green drives (5400 rpm or 5900 rpm), such as WD Green, Hitachi CoolSpin, Samsung EcoGreen, and Seagate LP
Cost: $830 (without the optional fans/fanplate) + shipping + cost of hard drives
Capacity: 38 TB
Expandability: None.

20 Drive Budget Build (tower)
MoboECS A885GM-A2 (V1.1)
CPU: AMD Sempron 145
RAM: Crucial 2GB DDR3 1333 (feel free to upgrade, pretty much any DDR3 1066 or 1333 RAM should work)
PSU: CORSAIR Enthusiast Series TX650 V2 650W
Case: Antec 1200
Hot Swap Drive BaysNorco SS-500 x 4 (Two alternatives are listed below. Both have their pros and cons. You can read my review of all three cages here.)


SATA Expansion Cards: Supermicro AOC-SASLP-MV8 8-Port SAS/SATA Add-on Card x 2

Hard Drives: Green drives (5400 rpm or 5900 rpm), such as WD Green, Hitachi CoolSpin, Samsung EcoGreen, and Seagate LP
Cost: $985 (without the optional fans) + shipping + cost of hard drives
Capacity: 38 TB
Expandability: None.

20 Drive Beast (rackmount)
MoboSupermicro X9SCM-F-O
CPUIntel Pentium G620 (feel free to upgrade to Intel i3 2100 or other Intel i3 2100 series CPUs)
RAM: Kingston 8GB DDR3 1333 (8GB of RAM may be overkill, but I can’t find any compatible 4GB kits!)
PSU: CORSAIR Enthusiast Series TX650 V2 650W
Case: Norco 4220
SATA Expansion Cards: Supermicro AOC-SASLP-MV8 8-Port SAS/SATA Add-on Card x 2

  • IBM ServerRAID M1015 x 2 – Replacement Option (As the Supermicro cards are difficult to obtain outside of the US, unRAID forum user seanant is currently selling these M1015 cards internationally. They are reported to work well with unRAID, though I personally have not used them.)


Fanplate: Norco 120mm fanplate *optional
Fans: (replacing the stock fans is optional, but recommended if quiet performance is desired)

Hard Drives: Green drives (5400 rpm or 5900 rpm), such as WD Green, Hitachi CoolSpin, Samsung EcoGreen, and Seagate LP
Cost: $1005 (without the optional fans/fanplate) + shipping + cost of hard drives
Capacity: 38 TB
Expandability: None.

20 Drive Beast (tower)
MoboSupermicro X9SCM-F-O
CPUIntel Pentium G620 (feel free to upgrade to Intel i3 2100 or other Intel i3 2100 series CPUs)
RAM: Kingston 8GB DDR3 1333 (8GB of RAM may be overkill, but I can’t find any compatible 4GB kits!)
PSU: CORSAIR Enthusiast Series TX650 V2 650W
Case: Antec 1200
Hot Swap Drive BaysNorco SS-500 x 4 (Two alternatives are listed below. Both have their pros and cons. You can read my review of all three cages here.)


SATA Expansion Cards: Supermicro AOC-SASLP-MV8 8-Port SAS/SATA Add-on Card x 2

  • IBM ServerRAID M1015 x 2 – Replacement Option (As the Supermicro cards are difficult to obtain outside of the US, unRAID forum user seanant is currently selling these M1015 cards internationally. They are reported to work well with unRAID, though I personally have not used them.)


Hard Drives: Green drives (5400 rpm or 5900 rpm), such as WD Green, Hitachi CoolSpin, Samsung EcoGreen, and Seagate LP
Cost: $1180 (without the optional fans/fanplate) + shipping + cost of hard drives
Capacity: 38 TB
Expandability: None.

22 Drive Budget Build (rackmount)
MoboECS A885GM-A2 (V1.1)
CPU: AMD Sempron 145
RAM: Crucial 2GB DDR3 1333 (feel free to upgrade, pretty much any DDR3 1066 or 1333 RAM should work) 
PSU: CORSAIR Enthusiast Series TX650 V2 650W
Case: Norco 4224
SATA Expansion Cards:


Fanplate: Norco 120mm fanplate *optional
Fans: (replacing the stock fans is optional, but recommended if quiet performance is desired)

Hard Drives: Green drives (5400 rpm or 5900 rpm), such as WD Green, Hitachi CoolSpin, Samsung EcoGreen, and Seagate LP
Cost: $875 (without the optional fans/fanplate) + shipping + cost of hard drives
Capacity: 40 TB + optional 2 TB cache
Expandability: None.

22 Drive Beast (rackmount)
MoboSupermicro X9SCM-F-O
CPUIntel Pentium G620 (feel free to upgrade to Intel i3 2100 or other Intel i3 2100 series CPUs)
RAM: Kingston 8GB DDR3 1333 (8GB of RAM may be overkill, but I can’t find any compatible 4GB kits!)
PSU: CORSAIR Enthusiast Series TX650 V2 650W
Case: Norco 4224
SATA Expansion Cards: Supermicro AOC-SASLP-MV8 8-Port SAS/SATA Add-on Card x 2

  • IBM ServerRAID M1015 x 2 – Replacement Option (As the Supermicro cards are difficult to obtain outside of the US, unRAID forum user seanant is currently selling these M1015 cards internationally. They are reported to work well with unRAID, though I personally have not used them.)


Fanplate: Norco 120mm fanplate *optional
Fans: (replacing the stock fans is optional, but recommended if quiet performance is desired)

Hard Drives: Green drives (5400 rpm or 5900 rpm), such as WD Green, Hitachi CoolSpin, Samsung EcoGreen, and Seagate LP
Cost: $1090 (without the optional fans/fanplate) + shipping + cost of hard drives
Capacity40 TB + optional 2 TB cache
Expandability: None.

24 Drive Budget Build (rackmount)
unRAID currently supports a maximum of 22 drives, but you can add more drives outside the parity protected array via unMenu or SNAP
MoboECS A885GM-A2 (V1.1)
CPU: AMD Sempron 145
RAM: Crucial 2GB DDR3 1333 (feel free to upgrade, pretty much any DDR3 1066 or 1333 RAM should work) 
PSU: CORSAIR Enthusiast Series TX650 V2 650W
Case: Norco 4224
SATA Expansion Cards:


Fanplate: Norco 120mm fanplate *optional
Fans: (replacing the stock fans is optional, but recommended if quiet performance is desired)

Hard Drives: Green drives (5400 rpm or 5900 rpm), such as WD Green, Hitachi CoolSpin, Samsung EcoGreen, and Seagate LP
Cost: $900 (without the optional fans/fanplate) + shipping + cost of hard drives
Capacity: 40 TB + optional 2 TB cache + optional 4 TB extra space via SNAP
Expandability: None.

24 Drive Beast (rackmount)
unRAID currently supports a maximum of 22 drives, but you can add more drives outside the parity protected array via unMenu or SNAP
MoboSupermicro X9SCM-F-O
CPUIntel Pentium G620 (feel free to upgrade to Intel i3 2100 or other Intel i3 2100 series CPUs)
RAM: Kingston 8GB DDR3 1333 (8GB of RAM may be overkill, but I can’t find any compatible 4GB kits!)
PSU: CORSAIR Enthusiast Series TX650 V2 650W
Case: Norco 4224
SATA Expansion Cards:


Fanplate: Norco 120mm fanplate *optional
Fans: (replacing the stock fans is optional, but recommended if quiet performance is desired)

Hard Drives: Green drives (5400 rpm or 5900 rpm), such as WD Green, Hitachi CoolSpin, Samsung EcoGreen, and Seagate LP
Cost: $1075 (without the optional fans/fanplate) + shipping + cost of hard drives
Capacity: 40 TB + optional 2 TB cache + optional 4 TB extra space via SNAP
Expandability: None.


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